Akbar Brothers Group is the first tea company in Srilanka to be COVID-19 Control Environment Certified by the Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI) in collaboration with Rotary District 3220 and has successfully renewed and continue to be Covid-19 control environment certified for the year 2023 as well. Our Group adheres to all the safety and hygiene protocols with utmost precision within our organization and factories. Akbar Brothers had pledged Rs. 100m in Sri Lanka's fight against Covid-19 through a number of relief measures to ensure our employees and the local community are sustained and supported during these challenging times.


Our primary reflex was to ensure our employees and their families are safe, healthy, and secure. Empowerment of people and decision-making at the right level enabled our organization a quicker and more effective response towards the pandemic. Covid-19 has helped Akbar Brothers Group become more risk-ready and we have discovered new ways to adapt, especially with the digitalization of our processes.


The digitization of the 126-year-old manual tea auction process was a positive transformation due to the outbreak and is an indication of better things to come with further innovation and digitization in other aspects of the tea industry.


The coronavirus crisis has created a practical and ethical imperative for us to do more work that matters. Akbar Brothers, now looks at the more fundamental ways in which the pandemic has altered us and our processes, revealing new priorities, capabilities, and outlook.


All these challenges only transform how we think about our economies and our societies. It gives us the opportunity to be more inventive in calibrating steps towards success in building a transition to a greener, more inclusive, and more resilient tomorrow. It is our opportunity to chart a path that empowers us to face the future with confidence and serve you with integrity and excellence as promised.